How It Works

The Right Fit For YOU!

What works for a similar business may not be the answer for your business.

How it works

1. Contact us for an initial conversation
We will discuss your goals, needs, who your client is and the message you want to get to them.

2. The design
Based on our initial conversation, we will design an example ad for our postcard.

3. Proof
Once the design is complete, we will send you an example by mail (your proof).

4. Printing
After everyone has approved their ad we print the postcards and prepare them for distribution.

5. Delivery / Distribution
Next, we distribute the advertisements. Those scheduled to be mailed are mailed and if your distribution includes local distribution, we make sure those are place throughout the target area as well. 

6. Return of investment
The final and often most important stage, you track the results. Various tests show that a typical return of investment can be upward of 1,300%. In dollars, that’s a whopping $1,300 return of investment of just $100. You won't know the impact if you were not keeping up with your numbers prior to utilizing our service and keeping up with them after adding us to your mix of exposure. 

Step 1: Contact Us
Step 2: Design
Step 3: Proof
We will discuss your goals, needs, who your client is and the message you want to get to them. We focus on the right message for your client.
Based on our initial conversation, we will design an example ad for our postcard.
An ad that effectively delivers your message.
Once the design is complete, we will send you an example by mail (your proof).
You verify the message meets your approval.
Step 4: Printing
Step 5: Distribution
Step 6: ROI
After everyone has approved their ad we print the postcards and prepare them for distribution.
The labor portion. Making sure everything is properly set to go.
Next, we distribute the advertisements. Those scheduled to be mailed are mailed and if your distribution includes local distribution, we make sure those are place throughout the target area as well.  Following through on what was promised as promised.
You track the results. You won't know the impact if you were not keeping up with your numbers prior to utilizing our service and keeping up with them after adding us to your mix of exposure. 
To measure it, you have to track it.
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